Upcoming Events
(All events are at church unless otherwise indicated)
See weekly bulletin for additional events.
Fellowship meals first Sunday of each month (see bulletin to confirm)
Men's Dinner: First Thursday of each month, 6 p.m. (Garden Spot Village Concord Room)
Women's Dinner: Third Wednesday of each month, 6 p.m. (Garden Spot Village Concord Room)
Weekly in Summer: ​Tuesday Garden Work: 6 p.m.
Thursday, September 26: Climate Change Talk: 7-9 p.m.
Presentation by Dr. Keith Miller a geologist with expertise in climate science.
How can we know that the planet is warming? How is it possible for human actions to impact climate? What observed changes are happening now as a result of human caused climate change, and what can be expected in the future? These are some of the questions that will be addressed at a free public presentation on climate change at New Holland Mennonite Church. Everyone is invited who has an interest in learning more about this important, and increasingly debated topic.
The talk will be given by Dr. Keith Miller, a retired geology professor from Kansas State University, and recent adjunct faculty at Messiah University, who has since moved to Morgantown. He is currently a member of the New Holland Mennonite Church. Dr. Miller’s teaching and research interests have been in reconstructing the past climates of the Earth from rock and fossil records, and understanding the various processes that control Earth’s climate. Understanding these processes helps us see how human actions can impact climate.
Do you have trouble sorting out the various claims and counter-claims concerning these questions? Are you just curious about how and why the Earth’s climate changes? Regardless of your questions or interests, you are all encouraged to come. There will be plenty of time for questions, so please bring yours.
Monday, October 14: Blood Drive: American Red Cross
1-6 p.m.
Register: Download the Blood Donor App, go to redcrossblood.org, or call 800-733-2767.
Walk-ins welcome.
Streamline your donation experience by visiting RedCrossBlood.org/RapidPass to complete your pre-donation reading and health history questions on the day of your appointment.
See weekly bulletin for additional events.