What to Expect on a Sunday Morning
When you arrive
Enter at the main entrance on the side of the building. This entrance is handicapped accessible.
You will be greeted at the door by friendly people (we call them greeters) who will say hello, answer any questions you may have, give you a bulletin for the worship service, and direct you to a Sunday School class or the auditorium. There is a guest book for you to sign and a packet with information.
Sunday School, 9:00 a.m.
There are Sunday School classes for all ages from September through May.
Before the worship service
You are welcome to sit wherever you wish in the auditorium. Children (and adults) are welcome to sit at the tables on either side of the sanctuary. There are coloring sheets available.
The worship service, 10:00 a.m.
A typical service lasts about 75 minutes and includes a call to worship, prayer, singing, scripture reading, children’s time, sermon (approximately 20 minutes), congregational sharing time, offering, and benediction. A variety of music is included in a service. Songs are projected onto the screen. Many are from the Voices Together hymnal and include musical notes.
People of all ages are often involved in the service – from worship and song leaders to scripture readers and "A Conversation with Children", is a time during the worship service when children are invited forward for a story especially for them.
Congregational sharing time is an open sharing time when people in the congregation are invited to share prayer concerns, praises, and/or announcements.
When the worship service is over
Be prepared for people to introduce themselves to you. Many in the congregation enjoy meeting new people.
Other information
Childcare is currently not provided. We welcome the noise of children in the worship service. If needed, children can play in the back of the sanctuary or in the lobby. There are children's activity bags for preschool through Grade 5. The greeters in the lobby will assist you with finding a bag for your child when you arrive.
Members and visitors to New Holland wear comfortable and casual clothing—for some this may be blue jeans and for others a shirt and tie. Women wear skirts, jeans, or slacks.
Feel free to contact the church office or Pastor Dawn if you have any questions. We look forward to meeting you.